FCT Gives Back

FCT Day of Giving March 3rd


The Power of Giving is Greater than the Joy of Receiving ~ Norbert Harms

A primary tenant of Family Centered Treatment is “the power of giving is greater than the joy of receiving” (Norbert Harms).  We believe that all families, no matter their current circumstances or past hardships, possess an immeasurable amount of inherent value. During treatment, families spend time exploring and defining their family values. They experience increased connection through discovering their worth and are then invited, during the Valuing Change phase, to put this into practice through the Family Giving Project by devising a creative way to share their value and worth in their community.

Parallel Process

Family Centered Treatment also prides itself on parallel process. We never ask a family to do something we wouldn’t do ourselves. Therefore, we are excited to announce that we are defining March 3rd as the annual FCT Day of Giving! The inaugural event on March 3, 2022 marks the 30 year anniversary of Family Centered Treatment being officially incorporated.

On this day, we request that all those involved with FCT, including but not limited to current and past FCT families, FCT Practitioners, FCT Supervisors, FCT licensed organization personnel, collaterals, FCT Foundation staff and the FCT Board of Directors to participate in an act of giving.


Let Your Creativity Shine!

There is no act too small! We’ve all seen the power of giving through many ‘pay it forward’ initiatives…let’s see how creative you can be! Come up with something as a family! Make it a team building event! Get your neighbors and friends involved! Let’s devote a day to spreading positivity in our communities and experience that power of giving firsthand.

We encourage everyone to share their acts of giving on our social media sites. It can be a quote, a short story, pictures and/or videos. Please use #FCTdayofgiving.

We are so excited to kick off this annual event and look forward to experiencing a day filled with joy.